
8 Luxurious Natural Wax Candles Perfect for Your Home

8 Luxurious Natural Wax Candles Perfect for Your Home

Set the Mood, Light a Candle!

Now more than ever, creating a comfortable home environment is key. To achieve maximum hygge, I like to evoke all 5 senses. For smell, I turn to my favorite natural wax candles. A luxe and bougie bougie (“bougie” means candle in french) is a great way to imbue a space with an Insta-worthy #aesthetic and an elegant, calming scent. In addition to delivering lovely fragrances, scented candles are a symbol of light, warmth, and hope.

I used to purchase candles from some of the more popular high-end candle brands until I learned more about paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is a petrochemical byproduct. It is derived from the solids left over during the process of refining crude oil. This waxy residue is treated with chemicals to create paraffin wax. Studies have shown that burning paraffin wax candles in an enclosed space can be equivalent to releasing diesel exhaust. So…not super relaxing or healthy.

The Search for Natural Wax Candles

I started to seriously look into natural wax candle alternatives after giving a close friend an adorable pine-scented mini candle for Christmas. I purchased it from a famous paraffin-friendly candle brand, and I had misgivings afterwards. Going forward, I decided to gift candles that will enhance the lives of my friends, family and colleagues, rather than ones that could be potentially detrimental to their health.

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Luckily, there are incredible natural wax candles on the market. These paraffin-free candles do not compromise in terms of the well-crafted, sumptuous scents and cute branding we have come to expect from prestige candles.

Below, I have included a list of amazing natural wax candles. These candles include a range of botanical and natural waxes, including soy wax, coconut wax and beeswax. These suggestions are are affiliate linked, so I will receive a small commission if you order them by clicking the associated links.

Michael Aram – Cherry Blossom

With their beautiful floral details, Michael Aram candles will make an elegant statement in your home even while unlit. These lovely candles are made using soy wax.

Boy Smells – LES

For an LA-based brand, Boy Smells nailed the vibe of what was once my neighborhood in here in NYC. This vibrant, always-active section of downtown Manhattan is well-characterized by the fruity, floral, and woody scents included here. The Lower East Side will always remind me of music, long nights, bright colors, and now, this candle.

Apotheke – White Vetiver

Look at this minimalist-chic box…do I even need to say anything else? In case I do, Brooklyn-based Apotheke Co. has reached cult status for its well-edited line of clean, natural home fragrances and soaps.

Monique Lhuillier – Agraria

I’m a sucker for florals. In addition to stunning wedding gowns, Monique Lhuillier produces prettily-packaged candles free from petroleum and utilizing only natural fragrances. Beauty and brains.

Overose – Nudesse

Imagine this beauty on your nightstand, the sunlight pouring through the holographic-inspired glass. Now, imagine breathing deeply and detecting the scent of a rose garden after rainfall…nice, right? All that, and paraffin-free.

Homesick – France

In what is partly a shameless plug for the fact that I have studied in France *cough* twice *cough,* you too can relive your glory days (or celebrate your current hometown) by lighting one of Homesick’s location candles.

LAFCO – Marine

If you can’t make it to the beach right now for…reasons…bring the scent of the ocean home with LAFCO’s Marine candle. The container evokes sea glass tumbled smooth by the surf.

Lake & Skye – 11 11

Use this candle to manifest your dream life, or simply enjoy the musky white amber scent. Angel numbers 1111 are said to represent new beginnings, success and inspiration.

P.F. Candle Co. – Sandalwood Rose

Last but not least, the smoked brown glass of P.F. Candle Co’s candles evoke rustic, apothecary vibes. Made from 100% soy wax.

In conclusion, you now have a wealth of options for treating yourself and your loved ones to paraffin-free scented candles.

Do you have any favorite natural wax candles to add to this list? Drop them in the comments!

By Azeezah Goodwin

Azeezah Goodwin is the Editor & Founder of La Vie de Zee as well as the Founder of The Miami Events Newsletter & The NYC Events Newsletter. She travels frequently between Miami & NYC. Azeezah is a University of Southern California, University of Virginia School of Law and Sciences Po Paris alum. She enjoys Reformer Pilates, Padel, beach days, shopping and spending time with good friends and family.

Follow her on TikTok: @azeezahgoodwin
Follow her on Instagram: @azeezahgoodwin


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