Menstrual Tracking
You may already track your menstrual cycle for fertility, for example, but have you ever tried using this information to optimize your rest and productivity? Menstrual tracking can help you take your professional and personal life to the next level, clueing you in to when you are at your most dynamic and energetic as well as when you might need a little extra TLC.
As explained in this Forbes article, scientific data supports the powerful effects of the rise and fall of chemicals like progesterone and estrogen on our neurochemistry. However, these effects are often framed in a negative light (ex: irritability and sensitivity). Rarely are menstruating people encouraged to harness the positive effects of these hormones.
@lydiarosesmyth Women, you have a super power & you don’t even know what it is #witchtok #periods #menstrualcycle #divinefeminine #feminineawakening #periodpower
♬ Binaural Beats (Studying) – ASMR
For example, did you know that the follicular phase of your cycle is your time to shine? You’ll be feeling amazing and confident. Use this time to schedule your all-eyes-on-me events like your wedding or asking for a raise. The boost in energy is perfect for trying to reach that personal best in the gym.
Also, did you know that your body burns between 100 to 300 additional calories per day during your luteal phase (link)? Those pre-period munchies are preparing your body for menstruation, so don’t restrict yourself from eating a bit more.
Menstrual Cycle Phases Graphic

As we dismantle lingering societal shame and discomfort, we can begin to craft a more positive narrative around menstruation. Knowing how our bodies function and how to work with our hormonal cycle instead of against it is a huge wellness win.
Have you tried menstrual tracking? Do you schedule events around your menstrual phases? Let me know in the comments!