This past Saturday, I had the privilege of visiting the Vegan Block Party at Virginia Key, an island slightly east of downtown Miami (Is that right? I’m new here, so feel free to fact-check me on the geography).
As a lifelong vegetarian and aspiring-vegan, the idea of enjoying plant-based food on a tropical island is my idea of paradise. I headed out around 4pm, which meant that I was spared some of the earlier drama surrounding an electrical snafu that led the Miami Police to deny entry to the venue, leaving many people standing in line for over an hour.
Despite complications at the door, the event was absolutely magical. I could describe exactly what I ate, saw, and experienced, but the overwhelming memory I have from this event was just the incredibly positive vibe I felt. Beyond the food, there were wellness offerings available at the Wellness Zone, including meditation and yoga. Yard games were set up for children and the beach was only a few steps away. Attendees were also serving looks, which I haven’t gotten much of a sense of until now since moving to Miami.
Without further ado, enjoy the photos I captured!

I hope these fill you with the same happiness I felt. Until next time.